

A sad song by Plumb upon hearing a Mon's scream for losing her newborn baby.


I Want You Here



An ache so deep

That I can hardly breathe

This pain can’t be imagined

Will it ever heal


Your hand so small

Held a strand of my hair

So strong

All I could do

Was keep believing

Was that enough


Is anyone there


I wanna scream

Is this a dream

How could this happen

Happen to me


This isn’t fair

This nightmare

This kind of torture

I just can’t bare


I want you here

I want you here


I waited so long

For you to come

Then you were here

And now you’re gone

I was not prepared

For you to leave me

Oh this is misery


Are you still there


I wanna scream

Is this a dream

How could this happen

Happen to me


This isn’t fair

This nightmare

This kind of torture

I just can’t bare


I want you here

I want you here


God help me, God help me, God help me



I wanna scream

Is this a dream

How could this happen

Happen to me


This isn’t fair

This nightmare

This kind of torture

I just can’t bare


I want you here

I want you here

I want you here

I want you here


An ache so deep

That I can hardly breathe



Jordan Kapral's comment--

I actually got to ask her the story behind this song in person and she told me that she wrote this song for one of her close friends. Her friend had a baby, it had some sort of heart disease I believe, and all the doctors had told her to just get an abortion because it would just be easier on her than delivering a still born and/or a baby that will die in a matter of days, maybe even hours. But she gave birth anyway, and she got 28 full days with her baby until it died. Plumb got to be in the room while the baby died, and her friend was just holding it in her arms close to her chest as it was dying, and she was just saying "thank you, thank you." over and over again. Plumb asked her why she was saying thank you and she replied. "everyone was telling me to just get an abortion because it wouldn't live anyway and it would be easier on me, but I got 28 full days with my child." Then she made this song. 

    詩歌分享 西洋流行歌
    創作者 青欖橄樹 的頭像


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